Renewing Your Trademark

If your trademark has been registered for over five years, it's time for a renewal. Allow to help you maintain the life of your trademark at $45

To keep your trademark registration alive, the registration owner must file required maintenance documents at regular intervals. Failure to file the required maintenance documents during the specified time periods will result in cancellation of your trademark registration. Owners of trademark registrations must file a Declaration of Use and/or Excusable Nonuse under Section 8 of the Trademark Act between the fifth and sixth years after the registration date. In addition, a Combined Declaration of Use and/or Excusable Nonuse under Sections 8 & 9 must be filed every ten years after the registration date. Let us handle the complicated part for you.

Protect your trademark with our help, ensuring ongoing registration maintenance.

Contrary to copyrights and patents, trademarks have the potential to endure indefinitely under specific conditions. Upon successful registration, trademarks typically require renewal by submitting a Declaration of Continued Use around the 5th and 6th anniversary of the filing, and subsequently between the ninth and tenth year. Following this, renewal occurs every ten years. sends reminders for relevant deadlines and facilitates the submission of required documents through its personalized portal, simplifying the process with just a few clicks or minimal updates.

Trademark Registration Renewal

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+ USPTO filing fees

Simple Process

Answer a few quick questions to get started

Compile Renewal Application

We take it from there and will create your renewal paperwork for you.

Review and Sign

You will sign the response and then we file it. It really can be that simple!

Federal Trademark Registration FAQs

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What They Are and Their Functions?

How does the legal protection differ between a common law trademark?

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